Bicycles are a BIG MUST if you live in a big city. Why ? Well first of all, riding a bicycle allows you to have a physical exercise while doing your normal routine ; going to work, run some errands, visit friends, etc. WHICH is good for your health and body !

Second reason is that bicycles reduce pollution. Preserving our planet is one of our top priorities ! So again, invest on buying good bicycle then on other vehicles like bikes or cars. Plus nowadays, there are a lots of types of bicycle that would suit your own needs and your own aesthetics.

For those who are striving for sexy retro bicycles, check out our list :


Approximate price : 400$



    Approximate price : 399$ 


Approximate price: 598$


Siddhartha Urban Single-Speed Coaster Bike

Approximate price: 299$


Approximate price: 800$


Approximate price: 1000$

The thing about retro bikes is that they fascinate many people with their stylish and classical style. Some of these bicycles brands know how to capture your nostalgia self reminiscing the old days or the present itself. Retro bikes are timeless and that is what gives them their eternal charm. Once you have one of these bikes, you don’t need to pretend to be someone else because these bikes alone give you automatically an original and fresh look of your whole being.

Bicycles are made of special elements like metal. It’s amazing how a common material like metal can contribute to create wonders like these ! That is what Shanghai Metal Corporation can provide you !

As representatives of the metal industry, Shanghai Metal Corporation is one of the leading businesses in the manufacturing of metal quality products in the global field. As a major producer of stainless steel, copper, aluminium, shipping containers and other metal products and service, we essentially are committed to the universal use that metal can offer by delivering overseas and promoting environmental sustainability.

To know more about our company please visit our website. Also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also download our new mobile application by scanning the QR code below.


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Maria // SMC Editor


As the world population continues to expand everyday, one of the main question of today’s researchers is to find new ecological and sustainable solutions to feed everyone.

In big cities, most of the food come generally from the outskirts of their territory. Having little space or even none at all, urban zones cannot produce their own food and rely their food stock on productions outside of their active territory. Therefore, the system is mostly based on peripheral to central relation that consists mainly on feeding the large number of population concentrated in the central or in the city itself.

DICKSON DESPOMMIER, an american professor of microbiology and public health, has proposed a solution concerning this matter : THE VERTICAL FARM CONCEPT.


So what exactly is it ? 

The Vertical Farm consists of cultivating plants mainly for human consumption such as vegetables within a skyscraper or on a vertically inclined surface, hence the name. The concept is almost similar to glass houses which captures the optimal natural sunlight. The use of artificial lightning is also possible to accelerate the growth of the plants and to modify their properties according to different dietary preferences.

The idea of this concept is a possible answer to some of the urban issues we mention before :

1. Vertical surfaces are more suited for the lack of space in urban cities.

2. Producing food IN the urban zone reduces pollution related to transportation, food waste, etc.

3. Vertical Farms permit to produce various types of food in a small surface and therefore can satisfy different needs of the population.

Various models of Vertical Farms :

Singapore’s and world’s first commercial vertical farm
Spanish architect Javier Ponce reveals his plans for a vertical farm in Tai Po
Completely constructed from glass and steel, this model is just one of Despommier’s designs of a vertical farm

Tell us your opinion about this farm of the future ! Brilliant ideas like this one is important in times like ours where the main goal is keeping up with the population growth by maintaining a good environmental level. Shanghai Metal Corporation shares this vision and wants you to spread innovations like Vertical farming and sustainability.

As representatives of the metal industry, Shanghai Metal Corporation is one of the leading businesses in the manufacturing of metal quality products in the global field. As a major producer of metal related products and reliable services, our most important value is to promote environmental sustainability.

To know more about our company please visit our website. Also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can also download our new mobile application by scanning the QR code below.


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Maria // SMC Editor


Maria // SMC Editor

Reasons why you should DRINK in COPPER mugs!

Did you know that mugs MADE OF COPPER are benefit for your own health ?

Well here are some reasons why you should drink in these Copper made cups or mugs:

Source: http://theawesomer.com/

1. Copper acts as necessary components of some enzymes for us. This element is therefore vital because we cannot synthesize it ourselves.

2. It helps the digestive system perform better: having properties that kill harmful bacteria, cleanse and detox your stomach Copper performs waste elimination which helps regulate your liver and kidneys.

3. Aids in weight loss: it helps your body break down fat and eliminate it. Try drinking water stored in a copper vessel regularly.

Source: http://www.napastyle.com/

4. Slows down ageing: getting old is a natural process of life. But Copper mugs can be an natural remedy against this process. It prevents the skin from ageing, stimulates the production of new and healthy skin and replaces old cells.

5. Can fight cancer: a very common and deadly disease. How does Copper help? Well, by having very strong antioxidant properties that helps fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer, some studies have shown that copper complexes have a considerable anti-cancer effect.

Aside of these reasons, any copper mug with a tin lining or stainless steel will be very safe to be used for any drink even at a high temperature. So be your drink be HOT or COLD, Copper mugs are made to resist different temperatures of your beverage !

As an integrated global manufacturer, Shanghai Metal Corporation provides and distributes Copper and a large range of Steel products of high quality all over the world. For more information, you can visit the company’s website or contact us for any inquiry.

Let us know your opinion about Copper mugs !

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Maria // SMC Editor

Image source: http://www.fourstjames.com/

Article source: http://gomoscowmule.com/ and http://www.thehealthsite.com/


Guns, Germs and Steel is a famous Pulitzer Prize-winning book written by Jared Diamond, an American scientist and author of other well-known science books like The Third Chimpanzee (1991) or Collapse (2005).

Guns, Germs and Steel serves to answer to why some civilizations, like the Europeans, have survived and conquered others.  Jared Diamond explains that this hegemony is primarily based on their technological and intellectual superiority. To sum up everything, the success of a civilization is essentially a question of environmental luck.

The title of this book sums up the general theory of Diamond’s ideas: farm-based societies conquered and spread influences on other populations of other areas and maintained their dominance. By using weapons and technology (guns), these elements serve immediately as a form of military superiority. Diseases (germs) – can be seen indirectly as a form of biological weapon- weakened and reduced local populations, therefore making it easier to maintain superiority over them. The last “ingredient” of power concerns steel which means the development of basic infrastructures and transport and therefore enabled imperialism.

Hence according to Jared Diamond, the success or the fall of human societies are determined by geographical luck and it’s technological means. The ideas written in this book essentially describes different factors that could contribute to a better development of any civilization. Although this book provides a different perspective of development, it is also subject of various critics.

As an international corporation, we too share the same idea that steel is an amazing material that contributes to the development of every progressing society. It is both economic and sustainable. Steel for a very long time, is a material that represents progress and innovation. Shanghai Metal Corporation manufactures and distributes a large range of Steel products of high quality all over the world. For more information, you can visit the company’s website or contact us for any inquiry.

Let us know your opinion about this famous book by Jared Diamond.

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Maria // SMC Editor