Container Garages – The New Homes of Harleys

For many companies, such as Apple, HP and Mattel, their first offices were garages. Today the new low-cost solution for office facilities is using shipping containers. Actually shipping containers narrow the gap between offices and garages even closer as people are really starting to use containers as garages.

Shipping container construction in general is a trend for sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture. If you consider the many advantages that shipping containers posses, it is not impossible to imagine why so many people wish to build their homes, summer houses or swimming pools using shipping containers.

Shipping containers are in many ways an ideal building material. They are designed to resist harsh environments and therefore they can offer shelter even for natural disasters. They are also designed to be modular what makes it easy to use additional construction material to complete the buildings.

Shipping container construction is said to have lower labor costs compared to traditional construction. This can be explained by their simple steel structure that only requires welding and cutting procedures to be modified. Building a garage for your Harley-Davidson, BMW or Mercedes could not be more pleasant!

As prefabricated and container architecture are gaining global recognition and going mainstream, Shanghai Metal Corporation is proud to be positioned as a reliable partner and a provider of construction material. Our English speaking staff is highly-skilled and is more than happy to assist in any construction related questions. Just send us an inquiry or visit our webpage. Please also remember to follow us on our social media platforms.


Tuomas P. // SMC Editor

Pictures and original articles: Wikipedia, HD History & News, Home in a Box,, Youtube, Nealev in Blogspot