We often see the ‘Made in China’ label, but rarely understand what that means.

We sat down and simplified International Shipping. Here are the only 3 photos you need to have a basic understanding of how it works.

  1. Manufacturing

Manufacturers produce massive quantities of items to meet domestic and international demand. Once finished, the items are packaged and loaded into containers for shipping.

Factory.OverviewSM.jpgCourtesy of: Dutakharisma.com

  1. Shipping

Massive cargo ships are loaded by machine with standard-sized containers, before leaving port for their next destination.


Courtesy of: Sciencemag.org

  1. Consuming

Once the items have arrived, they are unloaded and distributed to businesses and eventually sold-on to consumers.


Courtesy of: Bulgariamall.bg

Container Success

Container architecture is becoming more and more popular by the day,as more  people are intrigued by the unique design and appearance of container homes, apartments, offices and other living spaces.

At SMC we offer best quality shipping containers of international standard.  Containers, as one of our best selling products, have seen increasing demand and popularity as they are convenient to use as a building system, easy to set up, and can even be cost effective, when compared with  conventional building systems. Shipping container uses go as far as one’s imagination and creativity can go. They can be used as tuck shops, convenient office space,basement or bunker, garages and other spaces.

We offer containers in different sizes and variations, therefore there is a container suitable for all your needs. These variations range from the standard containerreefer containers, open-top container, open-side container as well as other special feature containers such as the flat rack container, platform container etc.

Our containers are manufactured in a way that quality and maximum strength are ensured, with rust protection, wind and water proof guaranteed.

Contact us for an inquiry to get more information about our product range.

Stay up to date with our latest updates by scanning the QR code below to download our latest application; or follow us on these social media sites:




Lebo Seopane// SMC Editor

Credits: SMC website, Google images

The Many Architectural Applications of Shipping Containers vol.6

Before, garages were the only option for affordable business facilities. Now they can be replaced with shipping containers. What’s interesting, shipping containers can also be converted into garages.


Many companies including Apple , Disney, Hewlett-Packard, Harley-Davidson, Google, Amazon and Mattel started their businesses in garages. Today’s start-ups, or, the multinational corporation of tomorrow can start their businesses in low-cost container facilities. Imagine what if Apple was started in a shipping container.


Shipping containers are a modular building material that is also durable and feasibly priced. Because of their physical properties, start-up business managers are able to design customized offices.


Shipping containers are in many ways an ideal building material. They are designed to resist harsh environments and therefore they can offer shelter even for natural disasters. They are also designed to be modular what makes it easy to use additional construction material to complete the buildings.


Shipping container construction is said to have lower labor costs compared to traditional construction. This can be explained by their simple steel structure that only requires welding and cutting procedures to be modified. Building a garage for your Harley-Davidson, BMW or Mercedes could not be more pleasant!

For start-ups, container offices are an excellent approach for creating expendable business facilities in relatively little time. They take offices out of garages and create new business opportunities. Shipping containers have another connection with garages. Containers can become them. If you plan your own DIY garage project or plan on starting a business, I recommend sending a price inquiry in Shanghai Metal Corporation‘s contact page. You may also check our prefab office solutions. Visit also our social media platforms.


Tuomas P. // SMC Editor

Pictures and original articles: Hola.com, Wikipedia, Popsugar, Forbes,Irish Mirror, Wikipedia,  World Home Design Ideas Magazine,Retire@21Wikipedia, HD History & News, Home in a Box, Totaho.com, Youtube, Nealev in Blogspot

Continue to chapter 7.

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Container Garages – The New Homes of Harleys

For many companies, such as Apple, HP and Mattel, their first offices were garages. Today the new low-cost solution for office facilities is using shipping containers. Actually shipping containers narrow the gap between offices and garages even closer as people are really starting to use containers as garages.

Shipping container construction in general is a trend for sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture. If you consider the many advantages that shipping containers posses, it is not impossible to imagine why so many people wish to build their homes, summer houses or swimming pools using shipping containers.

Shipping containers are in many ways an ideal building material. They are designed to resist harsh environments and therefore they can offer shelter even for natural disasters. They are also designed to be modular what makes it easy to use additional construction material to complete the buildings.

Shipping container construction is said to have lower labor costs compared to traditional construction. This can be explained by their simple steel structure that only requires welding and cutting procedures to be modified. Building a garage for your Harley-Davidson, BMW or Mercedes could not be more pleasant!

As prefabricated and container architecture are gaining global recognition and going mainstream, Shanghai Metal Corporation is proud to be positioned as a reliable partner and a provider of construction material. Our English speaking staff is highly-skilled and is more than happy to assist in any construction related questions. Just send us an inquiry or visit our webpage. Please also remember to follow us on our social media platforms.


Tuomas P. // SMC Editor

Pictures and original articles: Wikipedia, HD History & News, Home in a Box, Totaho.com, Youtube, Nealev in Blogspot