Beautiful Luxury Hotels Under the Sea

Is anybody worried about global warming? Due to rises of average temperatures, the polar ices are melting. At its extreme the world could turn into a planet as described in Kevin Costner‘s movie, the Water World where people are forced to live on floating platforms as all the habitable areas are under the risen sea level. Wouldn’t it be good to plan human underwater residences in advance? The hotel industry has taken the first steps.


Probably the world’s smallest underwater hotel and one of the road builders of the underwater architecture industry, The Utter Inn, is located in the Lake Mälaren in Västerås, Sweden. The hotel is a cabin complex that has an outdoor patio and an underwater sleeping berth capsule three meters under the water level. The cabin system is designed for two people and can be rented for $165 a night (source).


A Swedish company has also designed an underwater hotel that operates four meters under water surface in the eastern coast of Africa in an island called Pemba. The Genberg Underwater Hotels‘ design of the Manta Resort allows people to sleep in a deep blue ocean while the the capsules custom designed underwater spotlights attract various sea creatures to mesmerize the residents (source).

dest-poseidon-diningThe island of Fiji is implementing an underwater hotel project. Poseidon Underwater Resorts is going to be opened in a 5,000 acre lagoon 40 feet under sea level. The resort is stated to be “the world’s first permanent one-atmosphere sea floor structure and world’s first true undersea resort”. The Poseidon will have 24 suites with an area of 550 square feet. Customers can also enjoy literature in a library, relax in a spa or even get married in an underwater wedding chapel. One week is estimated to cost about US $30,000 per customer.(source)


Probably the most insane construction project the world has ever witnessed is going to be implemented in Dubai. Dubai’s previous project to build an underwater city of Hydropolis in 2006 did not take off as expected but now a Polish firm Deep Ocean Technology has come up with the concept of the Water Discus Hotel. It will be comprised of a series of scifi-styled discs that have 21 floors below sea level.


The offers its customers a beautiful view to the Persian Gulf from two-person bedrooms. In addition to the unusual accommodation, the proposed hotel is to include a diving center, underwater tourist vehicles, a spa, garden areas, an above-water terrace, and a helipad for guests. (source)



The construction and real estate industry have found their extremes today from the oceans and from space. While the world witnesses these gorgeous buildings to be built, the traditional construction industry keeps steadily on going on ground. As one of its pioneers, Shanghai Metal Corporation strives for premium quality in its construction projects. For more information about our projects, please visit our website and follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram). How about scanning also our QR code?


Tuomas P. // SMC Editor

Pictures and original articles:  Inhabitat, Inhabitat, Hotel Chatter, Designboom, Humble Homes

Major Copper Discovery on the Pacific Rim

kennecott_mineDome Gold Mines has made what they believe to be a major raw Copper ore discovery on the outer edge of the Pacific Rim in Fiji at a prospecting project in the South Western province of Viti Levu. The Copper mineralization outcrop was stumbled upon during routine fieldwork while prospecting for Gold on Fiji’s main island. Follow-up investigations involving geological mapping and surveying as well as rock-chip geo-chemical sampling confirmed that the discovery was high quality porphyry-style Copper.

In the past there has been prior historical investigative drilling and prospecting efforts, but they only ever returned findings of low quality Copper deposits that were not worth the investment or effort to extract and refine. However, it is believed that these past drilling incorrectly calculated where the major Copper veins were located in the area, completely missing the target. This has re-opened the entire area up to more thorough drilling and investigations into the potential range and quality level of the minerals sitting below the surface of the South-Western Fijian soil.

Copper-oreThis Copper discovery is good news for Fiji and their high unemployment rate since an opening of a domestic mine spells job opportunities and potential prosperity for the local people. Additionally, in a more global sense, the believed large magnitude of the Viti Levu Copper discovery could potentially decrease or at least stabilize the price of Copper ore in the South East Asia and Pacific Rim region, however only more thorough geological and geochemical investigations will solidify this for sure.

Shanghai Metal Corporation stocks a wide selection of Copper-related products and raw materials for all your construction or manufacturing needs. Please take the time to browse our online catalog at:–tpl3.html. Alternatively you can email any of the follow emails for further information or quotes:

Zenn B.//SMC Editor