Using Bronze Alloy to Lift Affliction

For thousands of years, copper and its alloy bronze were made at the service of war, construction, furniture and industrial components. However, bronze can also be use for the service of inner peace. An impressive example of this application is the great Buddha Statues of China. In 1993 was inaugurated one of the tallest Buddha statues in the world: the Tian Tan Buddha, in Hong Kong.  The statue, on top of a 268 steps stair, lifts its left hand in the sign of removing the affliction and keeps its right hand in a giving gesture of generosity.

The exterior of this more than imposing Buddha statue is composed almost exclusively of bronze plating. Indeed, this sitting Buddha was builds from about 202 bronze pieces and is support by an impressive steel frame. The total structure of the Tian Tan Buddha weight over 250 metric tons. The statue, tall of more than 110 feet, is renowned to be seen as far as Macau.

The bronze alloy plates of the statue give its impressive and memorable shininess.  A long lasting reminder of the great possibilities that occurs when faith, engineering and ambition work hand-in-hand.


As an international manufacturer and supplier for Bronze Plating, Shanghai Metal Corporation supplies its products to fit your specific copper, brass and bronze requirements.

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Source :

Photos from Google Image

Nicolas D.//SMC Editor