Reasons why you should DRINK in COPPER mugs!

Did you know that mugs MADE OF COPPER are benefit for your own health ?

Well here are some reasons why you should drink in these Copper made cups or mugs:


1. Copper acts as necessary components of some enzymes for us. This element is therefore vital because we cannot synthesize it ourselves.

2. It helps the digestive system perform better: having properties that kill harmful bacteria, cleanse and detox your stomach Copper performs waste elimination which helps regulate your liver and kidneys.

3. Aids in weight loss: it helps your body break down fat and eliminate it. Try drinking water stored in a copper vessel regularly.


4. Slows down ageing: getting old is a natural process of life. But Copper mugs can be an natural remedy against this process. It prevents the skin from ageing, stimulates the production of new and healthy skin and replaces old cells.

5. Can fight cancer: a very common and deadly disease. How does Copper help? Well, by having very strong antioxidant properties that helps fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer, some studies have shown that copper complexes have a considerable anti-cancer effect.

Aside of these reasons, any copper mug with a tin lining or stainless steel will be very safe to be used for any drink even at a high temperature. So be your drink be HOT or COLD, Copper mugs are made to resist different temperatures of your beverage !

As an integrated global manufacturer, Shanghai Metal Corporation provides and distributes Copper and a large range of Steel products of high quality all over the world. For more information, you can visit the company’s website or contact us for any inquiry.

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Maria // SMC Editor

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3 Funniest Animal Escape Videos

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Since animals rule the internet, it may be smart for you to learn another skill from them – escape artistry. Here are SMC’s picks for the top 3 funniest animal escape videos trending this year:

1) Animal Escapees That Can’t Be Tamed:

2) Baby Panda Falls Out Of Cage (Chengdu, China):

3) German Shepherd Escape Prank:

Fences aren’t always necessary, but they can be important for helping your pet learn boundaries. For some ideas on how to safely keep your friend contained when they need to be, why not use Shanghai Metal’s steel wire for pet cages? As an ISO 14001 (International Quality Management System) Company and recipient of the “Star Enterprise Award,” Shanghai Metal Corporation prides itself on exceeding international standards of quality and reliability. We guarantee the best prices, quality support, and fast delivery. To find out more, please visit our Tumblr, WordPress,  LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook  and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code. Moreover, we sell directly from Alibaba , EC21 and Tradekey.

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Sources: New Dog World, Huffington Post, People pets,


Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

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Russian Billionaire Sells 10% Stake of His Holding Company

Russian billionaire, Alisher Usmanov, in the metal and mining industry sold a 10 percent stake in his holding company to his partners as he fulfilled his promise to reward management.

Usmanov has also about 30 percent of Arsenal Football Club and is an investor investor in MegaFon, the Russian mobile-phone operator.russia2

His main assets come from USM Holdings Ltd in which he will retain 48 percent of the voting rights. The 10 percent stake is being allocated among and acquired by senior executives, including USM Chief Executive Officer Ivan Streshinsky, OAO MegaFon (MFON)CEO Ivan Tavrin and USM directors.

His fortune was mainly built through the Metalloinvest Holding Co. (METIN) iron and steel business, estimated estimated at $17 billion by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.


Usmanov’s first investment in the metals and mining industry was a stake in the Oskol Elektrometallurgical Plant, known as OEMK, bought in the late 1990s. The facility, about 600 kilometers southwest of Moscow, is Russia’s seventh-largest steel plant, according to the Metalloinvest website.

“Having founded the group with the initial acquisition of OEMK, and having built USM into one of the largest and most successful diversified international holding companies over the last two decades, I am convinced that through the combination of the group’s strong balance sheet and young and effective management, the prospects of USM for future growth are strong and exciting,” Usmanov said in the e-mailed statement.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2013 Day Two

Shanghai Metal Corporation is dedicated to providing quality products and reliable service, embodying our company’s commitment to Building Value Across the Globe. Our company manufactures an array of value-added Metal Products, Building Systems, Shipping Containers, and Machinery. Just as crucial to our products is our commitment to environmental sustainibility, safeguarding our planet for our family and friends across the globe.

To learn more about our metal products, please visit our our website for further details. Please also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Source: Bloomberg

Camilla G.//SMC Editor

One Intern Can Make a Difference


They say a company’s employees are its greatest asset.  It starts from the bottom of the organization all the way up to the CEO.  If employees feel they are on the outside looking in – so far outside that they refer to their company as “they” – then who’s to blame?  Managers and executives may be investing no effort in making employees feel like valued insiders.  Well, that is not the case at Shanghai Metal Corporation (SMC).  SMC believes in their own company’s success by providing the best and valuable experience to its employees.

Meet Kenn Crombé, a native Belgium born citizen who spent his spring term working at SMC for an international-trade internship.  Since the time Kenn has spent at SMC, he has reinforced the work culture and the relationships with his colleagues.  He allowed himself to connect and be open to everyone’s opinions and values, redefining the line between cultural differences.  He was the person that anyone could talk to and he made sure that cultural differences, such as language never hindered a conversation.  Even as a native Dutch and English speaker, he took the time to learn Mandarin and his effort justified his true value for the company’s internal relationships.

Kenn&Brian2Even at the internship level, Kenn valued his work and his interest in learning about shipping and housing containers.  Kenn would spend his mornings reading at least twenty articles a day about his product.  He valued his product so much that he created marketing campaigns that were not only visionary but personable.  He believed in customer satisfaction and that every customer was a priority, not just another number.  His efforts were nothing short of expectation.  He demonstrated great work ethic, enthusiasm, and the determination to gain more knowledge every day.

To show our appreciation for all of Kenn’s hard work, SMC planned a surprise going away party for the international intern.  Bryan Wang, the CEO of SMC made sure that everyone was in attendance at this special event.  Tables were set up flourished with goodies and drinks all over the room.  Kenn stopped by the office one last time but to his surprise, everyone was gathered together for one purpose – to celebrate a special person who brought a company together. HeyJudebryan&arthurHM

Among his peers, Kenn was still in shock of what was going on.  He was beyond speechless that he could not fully comprehend everyone’s effort to execute such an event.  His speech was short and sweet but made sure he thanked all his colleagues and a special thank you to Bryan.  A slideshow of his time at SMC was presented and everyone enjoyed the photos of the company trip to the Huangshan Mountains.  Karaoke was the biggest hit at the party and as the man of the hour, Kenn sang to “Hey Jude” with a few of his colleagues.  Everyone laughed, sang, and enjoyed each other’s company as it was a bitter sweet ending to an impeccable internship opportunity.

The simple truth is that in order to succeed, organizations must establish unyielding internal and external relationships.  The value of one intern can change the dynamic of a work culture.  The importance of having employees that matter is what makes or breaks a company.  SMC is very thankful to have had Kenn Crombé as part of our team.

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