Movie myths about swords

I have always wanted to hold a real sword, fight against all enemies and become a beautiful respected heroine. When I watch movies where good fights against bad and good almost every time wins I am wondering… How are real swords made?

Swords Katanas

Quentin Tarantino or Japanese comic books show Katana as a magic weapon. It is sharp and strong enough to cut through metal, bone or any object you need to cut. Is this sword so amazing because it is folded thousand times and beats non-folded metal?

Reality : Japanese sword-smiths used a metal know as tamahagane. West refused to use this metal for making weapons because it contained a lot of carbon. So process of folding of metal started as a way to get rid off carbon. Real Japanese sword-smiths folded metal about eight times as they knew that folding metal hundreds times would make your Katana soft and ready to become a toy for kids. Last thing to mention is that even if you have a good Katana sword you need a special training how to use it.

“Only a Japanese blade can end something this perverted.” Pulp Fiction

Swords always start as a molten material

Many people believe that every powerful sword came to the world as a molten hot steel. It is very magic to imagine that all of those swords which kill so many bad guys were liquid at the beginning.

Reality : It is very useless and pointless to make a sword like this. Steel blades that start as liquid material could be good just for your home’s collection of swords. Sword has to start as a huge metal piece to become strong.

The Sword of The Witch King – Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

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Silvia M.//SMC Editor

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Alien Machinery Found In Russia

300 million year old machinery has been found in Russia – experts say the steel gear is not the result of natural forces, and may be extraterrestrial.


According to Yulia Zamanskaya, when a resident of Vladivostok was lighting the fire during a cold winter evening, he found a rail-shaped metal detail which was pressed in one of the pieces of coal that the man used to heat his home.

Mesmerized by his discovery, the responsible citizen decided to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. After the metal object was studied by the leading experts, the man was shocked to learn about the assumed age of his discovery. The metal detail was supposedly 300 million years old, and yet the scientists suggest that it was not created by nature but was rather manufactured by someone. The question of who might have made an aluminum gear in the dawn of time remains unanswered.


Shanghai Metal produces our current terrestrial supply of value added carbon steel products. As an ISO 14001 (International Quality Management System) Company and recipient of the “Star Enterprise Award,” Shanghai Metal Corporation prides itself on exceeding international standards of quality and reliability. We guarantee the best prices, quality support, and fast delivery. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Sources: Before Its News

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

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Virtual Reality Used To Teach

In a fast changing world, people can’t afford to ignore new technology. So, gaming equipment has been matched with an environmental cause to create a learning platform for sugar cane farmers in Australia.

Australian researchers use the online world of Second Life to teach sugar cane farmers about climate change and new technologies they can use to reduce water use and fertilizer run-off.


Second life is game with the tagline, “The largest-ever 3D virtual world created entirely by its users.” It is a 3D world where everyone you see is a real person, and every place you visit is built by people just like you. At its most basic level, Second Life is an online environment created by Linden Lab, a company based in San Francisco. Second Life is an online world in which residents create virtual representations of themselves, called avatars, and interact with other avatars, places or objects.

The pilot phase of the programme was so successful the plan’s being expanded to include 400 Queensland cane growers, so keep an eye out for this new teaching platform. This is not the first time unconventional teaching methods have been used, and may one day extend to children’s classroom. Gaming and education do not have to be separate entities in today’s innovative world.

 babemovieShanghai Metal produces the carbon steel used in gaming equipment. As an ISO 14001 (International Quality Management System) Company and recipient of the “Star Enterprise Award,” Shanghai Metal Corporation prides itself on exceeding international standards of quality and reliability. We guarantee the best prices, quality support, and fast delivery. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Sources: News 24, Second Life, How Stuff Works

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

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Sliding Doors Moment – Is Fate Real?

Did you ever see the 1998 Gwenyth Paltrow movie where her character gets fired from her job and we get to watch her parallel lives unfold, based on whether she made it into the tube before the sliding doors closed? Watch here for a reminder:

In an instant, life can change and we can lose everything: our health, our jobs, or the people we love. But, think about how much we can gain in an instant too. There are moments like this one in the movie that you do not control, do not choose and cannot decide. However, there other situations where you clearly make a decision, that you know it is affecting, no matter what, the main course of your life.

 wordywallpaperHave you ever had a sliding doors moment? Do you believe in fate? So what makes the difference? It’s all in the sliding door. Shanghai Metal manufactures the carbon steel strip tape used in sliding doors.

As an ISO 14001 (International Quality Management System) Company and recipient of the “Star Enterprise Award,” Shanghai Metal Corporation prides itself on exceeding international standards of quality and reliability. We guarantee the best prices, quality support, and fast delivery. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Sources: afreshchapter, Hypervision, Youtube

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

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The Truth Behind The Copper Mesh Roof Built By Johnny Depp in The Movie Transcendence

Could you ever imagine standing under a copper mesh roof and your mobile phone instantly looses its signal? That is exactly what Will, played by Johnny Depp in Transcendence, built in order to prevent any electronic eavesdropping or connections.

Only if it were true. In fact, what they were making reference to was the Faraday cage. A lot of buildings act as Faraday cages, too, if only by accident. With their plaster or concrete walls strewn with metal rebar or wire mesh, they often wreak havoc with wireless Internet networks and mobile signals.

Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material or by a mesh of such material. A Faraday cage operates because an external static electrical field causes the electric charges within the cage’s conducting material to be distributed such that they cancel the field’s effect in the cage’s interior. This indeed does stop electronic transmissions but requires one to be totally enclosed in the cage. Not just under a copper mesh roof. In point of fact any metal will do and you don’t have to use copper.

This phenomenon is used, for example, to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and electrostatic discharges. That is the case of lightning rod or lightning conductor that we see on top of buildings engineered to protect the structure in the event of lightning strike.

But the shielding effect most often benefits humankind. Microwave ovens reverse the effect, trapping waves within a cage and quickly cooking your food. Screened TV cables help to maintain a crisp, clear image by reducing interference. MRI (magnetic resonance scanning) is a more sophisticated form of the Faraday cages. MRI scans rely on powerful magnetic fields to create medically useful scans of the human body. MRI rooms must be shielded to prevent stray electromagnetic fields from affecting a patient’s diagnostic images. In fact, you can build your own Faraday Cage at home. Many websites such as National Geographic actually teach you how to build your own Faraday Cage with a simple solution.

Shanghai Metal Corporation offers copper is varying types including foil, cable, tube, coil, busbar, sheet, plate, in varying fittings and sizes. SMC also produces enameled wires, PTFE wires, low voltage cables, fiberglass copper wires for the security, telecommunications, electrical, commercial, industrial, and automotive industries. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Our English speaking personnel will be more than pleased to help you. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Source:  Wikipedia,

Camilla G.//SMC Editor

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