Hyperloop One to debut in UAE

Hyperloop One, the firm who have carried and developed the brain-child of tech-innovator Elon Musk, has signed a deal with the Dubai’s head of transport. On the 8th November, the company announced that it’s highly likely the very first version of the futuristic transport system will connect Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
In a promotional video, the company claimed that the journey between the two cities which traditionally takes about 1 and a half hours, will take just 12 minutes inside the Hyperloop. The high-speed transportation system would use electric propulsion to accelerate a passenger or cargo pod through a low-pressure tube at speeds of up to 700mph. The vehicle would levitate above the track, which is likely to be built on stilts above the ground.
Hyperloop One, which hosted its Dubai announcement at the top of the world’s tallest building – the Burj Khalifa – has signed a feasibility deal with the emirate’s roads and transportation agency. The firm has said they will explore the feasibility of testing the technology at Dubai’s Jebel Ali port, where they hope a successful testing period will lead to further confidence from the city and countries officials.

It is important to note that due to the extreme innovation behind the Hyperloop, it’s still very much in the preliminary stages and therefore, the details revealed were very limited and it’s likely to be a considerable amount of time till we see this system get anywhere near public use.

Africa is becoming a renewable energies headquarters!

The West-African country of Senegal has recently begun the construction of a major solar farm in the sub-Saharan desert, it is a 20MW project located in Bokhol and is called ‘Senergy2’. The project is estimated to cost $28 million and is going to be developed by French renewable energy platform – Greenwish Partners, which dedicates much of its work to sub-Saharan projects. Senergy2 was also financially backed by the Senegalese state; with financial support from the UK and Norway through their joint investment vehicle Green Africa Power, according to local news
When completed and operating at full capacity, it’s predicted that 160’000 people will have access to clean power, a move that will drastically increase the countries chances of 20% renewables by 2017. “With no energy, there can be neither growth nor development. With the Bokhol facility, we are now able to take a new step and Senegal comes unreservedly into a new, clean energy period,” said President Macky Sall.

Senegal is eager to attain a position as one of the continent’s leading countries in renewable energy production, as well as positioning itself as the leader in West Africa; currently, South Africa and Morocco are the flagbearers for the continent.


Hotel developments to lead the way for growth in African tourism

A number of the world’s largest hotel chains are betting on Africa being their next big investment opportunity. Africa’s tourism sector is already on a momentous upwards slope and this is the obvious trend that has caught the attention of some of the world’s most renowned hotel names, such as, The Hilton, Fairmont and the Jumeirah group. Starwood, Marriot and the Four Seasons have also publically stated they intend on investing heavily across North, South and Central Africa in the five-years between now and 2021 that experts predict will be one of the largest periods of hotel growth in the continent’s history.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa is currently rising at an astronomical rate; last year, the global growth rate of FDI was 1%, whereas in Africa they experienced a 7% growth. Paul Frimpong, Investor Analyst at international business facilitation experts Naseba, said: “The enormous potential of the African continent cannot be emphasized enough. Africa is the fastest growing region for FDIs in the world. Aggregate household consumption will reach $1.4 trillion with collective GDP hitting $2.6 trillion in 2020 alone. These facts show that with the understanding of the growth momentum, combined with the right strategies, presents handsome rewards for current and prospective investors in the region.”

Not only does the hotel boom in Africa provide more opportunity for the tourism industry but it also presents an abundance of opportunity for the continents architects, interior designers, real estate developers, buyers and engineers working on not only hospitality, but retail, commercial and residential developments.



Nowadays, pollution is getting worse and worse. It can be one of the biggest killers, affecting more than 100 million worldwide. You don’t want to die fast, right? Let’s save the world and be green with solar panel!


Pollution is one of the biggest issues that every nation faces right now. Every nation only competes to be the number one in economic development and sometimes ignore about environmental condition. The fact is every nation should attain sustainable development, which is balance between economy, environment, and social community.

Energy which is very important for economic development of nations is getting fewer. Every nation exploits energy in order to achieve rapid economic growth. Total energy needs in the world currently reach 10 Terra Watt and this number will increase until 30 Terra Watt in 2030. The increasing number of total energy needs collide with the sustainable concept that human needs to pay attention to. Solar panel as alternative energy source can solve this problem.


Solar panel is a panel designed to absorb the sun’s rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating. Solar energy is actually the most promising energy sources because it is unlimited and sustainable. The sun is expected to address future energy needs problem because most of energy sources are limited and not environmental friendly.


Solar panel work using p-n junction principle, which is the junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor. This semiconductor consists of bonds in which atoms are electrons as the basic constituent. N-type semiconductors have an excess of electrons (negative charge) while the p-type semiconductor has excess holes (positive charge) in the structure of the atom. The role of p-n junction is to form an electric field so that electrons (and holes) can be extracted by contact material to produce electricity. When the p-type semiconductor and n-type contacted, then the excess electrons will move from the n-type semiconductor to the p-type to form a positive pole on the n-type semiconductor, and conversely the negative pole to the p-type semiconductor. As a result of the flow of electrons and holes is to formed electric field which when the sun light on the composition of the p-n junction will push electrons move from the semiconductor toward the contact negative, which in turn is used as electricity, and vice versa hole moves toward the positive contact waited electrons come.


Solar panel consist of substrate/metal backing, semiconductor materiel, contacts metal/contact grid, antireflective coating, and encapsulation/cover glass. Substrate/metal backing is material that sustains all components of solar cells and it must have a good electrical conductivity. It can be made by metal material such as aluminum.


There’s a lots of advantage using solar panel, especially solar panel doesn’t cause any pollution and it’s free energy! You can be go green, save the world, and less money! So, you still doubt to save the world with solar panel? We, Shanghai Metal Corporation can provide you good quality of aluminum that can support your solar panel! 

As a representative of the metal industry, Shanghai Metal is one of the leading businesses in the manufacturing of metalworking industry. We can produce and export the best quality of aluminum, other metal products, shipping containers, and service. We prioritize the efficient of manufacturing and environmental sustainability.

Want to know more about our company? Please visit our website and you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Feel free to download our new mobile application by scanning the QR code below.


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Source: Teknologisurya, Technologystudent, Wikipedia, Esdm.go.id

Ardelia Sassie/SMC Editor

Metal industry driving force behind fast growth in dry bulk shipping demand.

According to MarketReportsOnline.com the demand for steel in 2015 will grow at a tremendously fast pace. This fast paced growth will consequently send the dry bulk shipping sector a boost that will drive up the demand growth for that industry. In the research report of 56 pages published by MarketReportsOnline.com it states that Iron ore and coal will be the driving forces behind the anticipated growing demand for dry bulk shipping.

The dry bulk shipping industry is predicted to have a much better year in 2015. Growth rates for the first quarter of this year are expected to be higher than they were in 2014. The global dry bulk shipping industry holds an essential place in maritime transport, carrying large volumes of unpacked products. These products are carried in 20 feet bulk containers, that can carry up to 192 tons of bulk goods.

The latest innovation on these containers, like the one designed by Shanghai Metal Corporation, offer fast and efficient ways to load the bulk goods via the roof and unload through the latch on the bottom of the front door.

Contact us for an inquiry on our newest solutions for bulk shipping or for more info go to our website.

Scan the QR code below or follow us on these social media outlets.


By Youssef el Issaoui//SMC Editor

Credits: SMC website, Google Images


SMC Поможет Прокачать Машину!

Настроение человека зависит от многих факторов, порой даже малейшая деталь способна раскрасить черный в красный! На улице зима…холодно и грязно, настроение испаряется также быстро как влага в жаркий день, люди ходят угрюмые и мрачные мысли не покидают голову (еще бы при такой-то ситуации в стране). Но как говорится “Спасение утопающего, дело рук самого утопающего!” .


SMC представляет вашему обзору подборку лучших тюнингованных машин и надеется, что эта статья поднимет ваше настроение!

1.  Не понятно кто водитель, но то что он живет в другой галактике это точно! 


2. Помните улицу Сезам? Первым делом при виде картинки всмопинается детство и кукольный театр, не только весело вести машину, но и рукам тепло!

Tuning_113. Нью-Йорк город больших возможностей, бескрайних надежд и оргомных колес на такси…

Tuning_074. Такому “зеленому” позавидовал бы сам Крокодил Гена! 

Tuning_245. Ох не знаю не знаю, но этот Супермен подозрительно смахивает на нашего президента…


6. Красиво, ярко и так по-новогоднему! 


Зарядились позитивом? Появились идеи как украсить своего железного друга? Воспользуйтесь нашем спрейем для тюнинга машин.

SMC  одна из крупных компаний в Китае по работе с металлургией, руководствующаяся широким списком потребительских услуг. Для получения более детальной информации посетите наш сайт или отправьте заявку, наш персонал всегда рад помочь вам с выбором продукта! Не забывайте также читать нас в социальных сетях или воспользуйтесь новинками интернета, просканируйте QR code ниже.



Maria Z.// SMC Editor

Sources: shanghaimetal.com,  webpark.ru

Photos from Google Image and Yandex  Image

L’évolution des réfrigérateurs

L’ancêtre du réfrigérateur moderne est sans nul doute le modèle Monitor Top de General Electric commercialisé en 1927. Pesant plus de 275 livres d’acier, cette bête en acier propulsa l’industrie de la refrigeration domestique vers ses premiers sommets. Ce modèle fut rapidement accompagné d’une extension faite de stainless steel qui permettait la congélation d’aliment. L’acier stainless permettait entre-autre d’éviter la rouille et l’usure du fuselage.

Durant les années 1950, l’industrie du réfrigérateur visa davantage la classe moyenne. Le modèle Northstar fut emblématique de son époque. Pesant plus de 350 livres, ce réfrigérateur était composé d’acier stainless. Il fut également le réfrigérateur qui amorça la tendance decorative des réfrigérateur. Les femmes au foyer pouvaient maintenant choisir la couleur de leur mobilier de cuisine. La tendance vers le recouvrement d’acier inoxidable débuta à cette époque.

Après quelques décennies, arriva les nouveaux modèles des années 1980s. Nouvelle époque, nouveau design. Capitalisant moins sur l’image de fiabilité et de fierté nationale que représentait l’acier, les nouveaux modèles des années 1980 misaient d’avantage sur l’efficacité énergétique et utilitaire. On peut voir ici un des modèles fer de lance de l’époque : un réfrigérateur de marque Fisher and Paykel.

Aujourd’hui les réfrigérateur ne sont plus uniquement des outils de cuisines, mais églament des éléments de decoration. Les modèles aux portes françaises, avec machines à glace ou même fonctionnant à l’aide d’internet ne saissent de repousser les limites de l’imagination.  De leurs humbles et frustes débuts, les réfrigérateurs ont su travers les époques poussés  par l’esprit innovateurs de leurs concepteurs.

As an international manufacturer and supplier for steel, carbon steel and stainless steel, Shanghai Metal Corporation produces its products to fit your specific industrial requirements. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Our English speaking personnel will be more than pleased to help you. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.



Source : http://www.realestate.com.au     https://books.google.com

Nicolas D.//SMC Editor

Silver Water! Myth or Reality?

First I heard about Silver Water from my mom.  We used to have a bottle of water with a small silver spoon on the bottom. Once I asked her what’s for we need a silver spoon in the water, she told me that this little spoon will protect our family from any kind of disease. As I always believe my mother, I haven’t thought about it too serious until recently. Lets  see is a Silver Water myth or reality?

silver 1

So, when my mom said that silver water will protect us from disease, she basically meant that silver is a specific metals which can stop the growth of germs and microbes on contact. Silver and copper are best known in this regard and are often used in commercial applications. Among germicidal metals, however,silver is of greater importance because it is the only metal that is completely non toxic to the body. In fact, silver has been used since ancient times to not only keep stored water “sweet” and germ free, but also to speed the healing of wounds and minimize the formation of scar tissue. Also I even read an amazing story about a miracle effect of a silver water which helped to cure a bone infection. Check the article if you’re interested. 

Just think about, silver is everywhere… we are eating off silver plates, storing our water and wine in silver vessels, drinking from silver cups and eating with silver utensils.

But if the main purpose of a still water is disinfection, what stops us of buying a pure water which is also have a wide list of a good recommendations? I guess it’s all up every person decision. Here the link to the silver water company where you can find more detailed information.  Also you can check our website to read and know more about silver and any related products or send us your inquiry, we have English-speaking stuff that will help you to find the best product for you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and download an application by scanning QR code below.



Maria Z.//SMC Editor

Credits: shanghaimetal.com, silverwater.biz

Love Interstellar? Know more about aerospace

space 5New movie era is coming! People tired from a stupid blockbusters, movies which doesn’t consist with at least a small idea ,  they are really looking forward to learn more about space…unblock all the secrets that are hiding in our big world, get a knowledge about cosmos,  they are in need to know that it’s not only us in this boundless universe.  It’d been started from a Star War… Galactic Civil War…Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader…fascinating! And recently Avatar, John Carter, Gravity,   Guardians of the Galaxy and this year Interstellar and who knows what  the future movie industry will show us…

It’s always amazing to learn something new…and I’m going to tell you about real product which is commonly used in our world!

Hydraulic Press

Hydraulic machines smc41-


What’s more exciting that Hydraulic press is widely used in aerospace, automotive, appliance, hardware, coinage and other production industries. The machine frame is entirely welded with steel plates, compare with the common machine. This machine has high rigidity and precision. The machine is fitted with Siemens HMI screen, and accurately controlled by the main system. Accurate magneto strictive position sensors and pressure sensors. Shanghai Metal Corporation is renowned for providing superb quality and assures the best performance of Hydraulic machines at all times.

For a more information you can check our website or send us your inquiry, we have English-speaking stuff that will help you to find the best product for you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and download an application by scanning QR code below.



Maria Z.// SMC Editor

Credits: shanghaimetalcorporation.com

Get Bent: Apple

All the buzz around Apple’s newest iPhone6 may not be that of a success. Not even its 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models sold in three days after the phones went on sale. Rather, it seems like the new ‘bendable’ iPhone6 is even a hotter hit, going viral on social media as hashtag #BendGate.

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Not only a rumor but proved by a number of pictures published on the world web, the new iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus easily bend when carried in owners’ pockets for long periods of time. Others claimed the flexibility of the new phone while having more active lifestyle and dancing.

The question whether this affects all the devices or if it is limited to a small number of phones is still unclear, and Apple has not yet pronounced. Last year there were similar cases involving iPhone 5, the Samsung Galaxy S4, the HTC EVO, and many others, but this is actually the first time the bending issue has become an “epidemic”.

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Ironically, the reports claiming the issue came out the same day that smartphone warranty provider SquareTrade called the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus the “most durable smartphones ever”. Significantly larger and thinner than the traditional iPhone, the iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus are encased by aluminum enclosure, which is a naturally flexible material.


CNNMoney received a test model and several staffers tried and failed to change its shape using brute force. What this will mean for the future of iPhones? Well, earlier this year the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently published Apple’s patent application which describes a new technology to be integrated with bendable displays. It talks about a new method on how to use tiny metal components in a way that prevents them from breaking when the display is bent. It might be it?

For now, what remains for iPhone6 owners is to remove their iPhones from their pockets before sitting, placing them in a less tight pocket, or choose for a more resistant case that could protect the device from bending and flexing. And if you still think of acquiring an iPhone6 or iPhone6 Plus, it is available in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and the UK and it will go on sale in 20 more countries on September 26th and others by the end of the year.

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Shanghai Metal Corporation is a world leader in producing and supplying the best quality in aluminum that could prevent devices such as the iPhone6 and iPhone6 to easily bend. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Our English speaking personnel will be more than pleased to help you. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Story credit: Dominick F.//SMC Sales Specialist

Source and photo credit: foxnews.com, money.cnn.com, macrumors.com, newser.com, gadgetlove.com

Camilla G.//SMC Editor

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