Metals & Co – more than a table

Today Shanghai Metal Corporation wants to take you again to one of the well-known capitals of fashion and design in the world: Milan. We have already mentioned the Italian city for hosting the upcoming 2015 EXPO, but this new article deals with the major Italian event for interior design: SaloneDelMobile.

“The Salone del Mobile is the global benchmark for the Home Furnishing Sector. An invaluable tool for the industry as well as an ongoing, quite extraordinary promotional vehicle. The Salone made its first appearance in 1961, designed to promote Italian furniture and furnishing accessories on the export market, and it has continued to do so impeccably, ensuring that the quality of Italian furniture is known to all four corners of the earth, and continues so to do, with half of all its visitors coming from around the world.” (from

Among the furniture presented, here is a selection of unique tables featuring metals and several material such as wood, glass and crystal. Because the metal goes with everything!! Take a look!


Euclide di Domitalia. Wodden top plus a support structure made of painted  bent sheets steel.


Notorius di Marioni. The brass work structure and the oval top recall the 40s’ atmospheres.


B 110 di Dale Italia. Lacquered iron legs support an antique oak flat surface recovered by old Italian roofs.


Argo di Mara Srl. A folding table with chromed metal conical legs, featuring lockable wheels.


Hystrix by Cattelan Italia. An innovative table made of glass and painted iron.


  Status by Calligaris. An essential combination of wood and metal.


Memo di Lema. A linear assembly of fine wood and lacquered aluminum.

Take you time and come visiting our website. Did you know that Shanghai Metal Corporation provides you with a great selection of metals?  You can for instance take a look at our aluminum department products. Do you need aluminium foils? We have them! Or maybe you are looking for aluminum sheet plate? We can help you! Not just aluminium, but also copper, steel and so on. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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Stefano // SMC Editor

The Stained Glass Industry Needs Copper Foil

The art of stained glass as existed since the Antiquity. One of the most famous and ancient usage of copper for artistic glass was done by the Egyptian. The glass craftsmen of Ancient Egypt use copper to give a bright and beautiful green and blue tone to the pieces.

During the 19th and 20th century that copper was added to the work pieces of religious glass art.  To obtain a dark red, crimson like effect very high concentrated copper was including in the glass staining process. This process allowed the early Christian glass stained craftsmen to perform their art in order to create the masterpieces of their time.

Nowadays, artisans, artists and craftsmen of stained glass use a different kind of copper to embellish their pieces. Copper foil tape is now applied directly to the glass, allowing artists to get more flexibility in the shape and taint of the material. Indeed, by changing the chemical composition of the alloy, the copper’s color can go from a pale grayish tone to a dark crimson red.


As an international manufacturer and supplier for copper foil and copper foil tape, Shanghai Metal Corporation produces its products to fit your specific copper requirements. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Our English speaking personnel will be more than pleased to help you. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.



Sources : Substances Used in the Making of Coloured Glass (David M Issitt). Retrieved 3 August 2006

Photos from Google Image

Nicolas D.//SMC Editor


Lamps can have a soul

Last time I wanted to buy a lamp, interesting, functional, eco-friendly, “with a soul”. I went to a shop and I looked around. Nothing. Is it really hard to make things in a different way? All you need is just some creativity.

Lamps made from used coffee filters

nice lamp

Many cities all over the world are full of coffee fans. Small cafes or Starbucks everywhere. Now one designer from New York collects and converts old coffee filters and recycles them to make beautiful lampshades. Because of the soft tones from the coffee stains, lamp gives a romantic low-light.


Lamps made from electrical parts, pipe fittings and vintage lamps

One company in United States, Lamp Revival, creates unique lamps out of old materials. Their 2 very impressive and successful creations were Fred Astaire lamp when they used pipe fittings with sheet metal and Ginger Rogers lamp, using two recycled glass shades.


Lamps made from steel steamers

Designer Nadia Belalia deconstructed the lowly kitchen utensil into stunning lamps. She works with classic collapsible steamers and takes the natural geometry of the perforated steel wings and expands them into satisfying shapes.


Lamps made with wine bottles

Designer John Meng has created gorgeous and green lamps made with wine bottles. Those amazing lamps serve as a nice interior decoration for home or office.


Shanghai Metal Corporation offers not only steel products but also a pipe embossing machine which is suitable for construction and decoration, lamps, lightning, golf clubs and many others. For more information please don’t hesitate and visit our website or send us inquiry. Our English speaking staff will gladly answer all your questions. We will be happy if you also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LindkedIn. You could also download a new application by scanning QR code below.




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Silvia M.//SMC Editor

You can read more articles written by this author here.

Credits and pictures :, pinterest


Luxurious Dream House Looks Like A James Bond-Inspired Villa

Dream houses are all over LA and its surroundings. But I bet you haven’t seen the Desert House designed by super-organic architect Kendrick Bangs Kellogg in Joshua Tree, located in Californias’ Mojave Desert is a fusion of what resembles a dinosaur-boned structure with a Flintstonesy feel.

Inspired by the rugged and hard surroundings the exterior of the house seems like an extension of it. Dramatically perched on the slope of a rocky hill overlooking the Mojave Desert, the property seems to disseminate amongst the rocks and stones. That feeling was only made possible due to somewhat a texture that could provide the numerous cast-concrete slabs of the exterior with touch and feel of the desert as materials.

The 3-bedroom house work began in 1988 and finished in 1993 in the 10-acre space, but the interior took about a decade for Kellogg and designer John Vurgin to create and design the house that the owners Doolittle always dreamed about. The Desert House is priced at $3 million, heating up the luxury real estate market of the Coachella Valley and surrounding desert. What makes the house so special and attractive is its balance of organic architecture. The masculine outside is counter-balanced by a somewhat feminine and warm intimate space by using concrete, steel, glass and copper for the interior, making the space genuinely comfortable to live in.

Highlights of the interiors are the parasol in the dining room made of some 800 pieces of sandblasted glass, the master bedroom’s self-standing bronze washing basin, massive amount of light and sun entering through continuous openings that separate the towering concrete panels. It is like living in a piece of art, every little detail in the house has been carefully thought of. You even feel like in a spa when listening to the water sound by the indoors waterfall. What about the scenery of the wide open arid landscape provided by spending some time in the bathtub? Breathtaking at the least.


“You don’t copy nature, you don’t emulate it, you take it for what it’s worth”, says Kellogg.

If there is any interest in checking out the property more details can be found at TTK Represents.

Shanghai Metal Corporation offers a wide range of metals such as copper, widely used in architectural artifacts and construction. To find out more, please visit our Website or send your inquiry here. Our English speaking professionals will be more than pleased to help you. Follow us on  LinkedInTwitter, FacebookInstagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

Source and photo credit:,,,

Camilla G.//SMC Editor

Read more articles by this author here.

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The Lux Device That Froths Your Beer To Perfection

To beer enthusiasts a head of foam is not only an aesthetic element. The foam carries a ‘trigeminal’ sensation, which gives a completely different mouth feel and body to the beer. Like capsaicin, the compound responsible for chillies’ spiciness or menthol for its cooling sensation and the fizzy feeling of carbonated beverages. Beer foam is carbonation in other words, hence a trigeminal sensation –  so it’s a tactile like you feel.

Tricks to give the perfect foam to your beer involve creating bubbles by briskly pouring the drink into the glass with a bit of splash. Although this process will give you foam, it will be destroyed by big bubbles and low density. Another trick is to add CO2 in the beer or, for a more creamy foam, nitrogen gas and nitrogen will also work wonders by “softening” the overall palate.

Rather complicated to DIY at home, Danish design studio Norm Architects (for the design brand Menu) just made your life even better. They created the Beer Foamer that separates the foam-making process from the pouring process, in order to give you that creamy, fluffy, crisp and dense feel of foam.


The device is copper-plated and takes inspiration from the large boilers used in old beer breweries, while the bottom container is made of shatterproof glass. How it works? You pour approximately one centimeter of beer into the bottom of the transparent glass container, press the button and wait 20 seconds while a battery-powered whisk froths up the liquid. Then you pour the freshly frothed foam onto your beer.


The Beer Foamer promises you to the precious bubbles that release the different aromas which beer makers put so much effort on as they can alter the perception of any given beer.  Well, it’s Friday today anyways so why not try it out?


Shanghai Metal Corporation offers a wide range of metals such as copper, widely used in varying artifacts. To find out more, please visit our Website, WordPress, LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook  and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code. Moreover, we sell directly from Alibaba , EC21 ,Tradekey or directly at

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Source and pictures:,,,


Camilla G.//SMC Editor

Cheers To The Naked Greener Coke Can!

Imagine a time when we recycle all aluminum cans in the world. Now imagine a time when all aluminum cans are “greener” than they claim to be. That is what the Ryan Harc design studio had in mind when a Coca-Cola can was re-created without toxic paint that tends to sink into the metal.


Being a leader in the soft drink industry and having the US as the largest market, followed by Mexico and China, the Coca-Cola Company owns the most innovative marketing campaigns worldwide. We saw the latest marketing campaign launched in China, Coke Lyric bottle, and Chok, the so-claimed best marketing campaign in over 35 years released last year in Hong Kong, reaching the top of the local app downloads for iOS in a single day, 380,000 downloads in one month, and over 9 million total views for the television commercial.


Although seen as an innovative player in the marketing space the Coca-Cola Company has yet a lot to catch up on the sustainability side. It is true that the aluminum cans are 100% recyclable, but it does not mean that the cans are as green as they could be. The current design favoring flashy colors uses toxic ink that tends to seep into the metal. What the consumers don’t realize is that the memorable experiences promoted by the marketing efforts tag along the risks for their own health and the environment that surrounds them.


In an endeavor to address such an issue, the NY-based Design studio Ryan Harc created a colorless can design that will reduce the cost of recycling and pollution. At least elegant, the minimalist touch given to the Coke can uses a pressing machine to insert a convex logo as an alternative to the colorfully toxic sprayed can.


The gains in environment benefits when skipping painting are huge if looked from the right perspective. Based on Alcoa statistics for aluminum can recycling, over 112 billion aluminum beverage cans are sold per year in the USA alone. But before aluminum cans can be recycled, the coating that goes on the cans to make them more beautiful and appealing on the shelves must first be produced, which in other words means CO2 emission by thermal or chemical burn-off. According to a report examining the potential coatings market opportunity for soy-based products estimates that 33 million gallons of coatings are sold per year in the US (2007 data).


Although only present in the design studio, the colorless pressed cans could also become a real product along with last summer’s Coca-Cola’s refreshing Ice Bottle packaging. Introduced in Cartagena, Colombia, consumers were seen enjoying a bottle of Coke direct out of ice instead of plastic or glass bottles; very practical, innovative and eco-friendly Coke packaging as the Ice Bottle melts away right after use.


Shanghai Metal Corporation offers a wide range of aluminum sheet (aluminum plate) widely used in the manufacturing of Coke aluminum cans. To find out more about us, please visit our Website, WordPress, LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook  and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code. Moreover, we sell directly from Alibaba , EC21 and Tradekey.

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Camilla G.//SMC Editor