MoMA’s “Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980”

Today we are excited to bring you to New York into the famous Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). This famous museum has been important in developing and collecting modernist art and is often considered as one of the most influential museum of modern art in the world. You can discover various collections about architecture & design, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, etc.

The Museum of Modern Art – New York. Photo from

Wondering what’s happening right now in MoMA? From March 29 through July 19 2015, the museum documents a dynamic period in Latin American architecture between 1955 and 1980 – Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980. In 1955, MoMA staged Latin American Architecture since 1945 and now is the 60th anniversary of that important show!

“This period of self-questioning, exploration, and complex political shifts also saw the emergence of the notion of Latin America as a landscape of development, one in which all aspects of cultural life were colored in one way or another by this new attitude to what emerged as the “Third World.” The 1955 exhibition featured the result of a single photographic campaign, but Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955–1980 brings together a wealth of original materials that have never before been brought together and, for the most part, are rarely exhibited even in their home countries.”
(Quated from MoMA)

As mentioned in a review from The New York Times, from Cuba to Chile, Mexico to Argentina, cities in the region boomed. The task of providing everybody with homes ultimately proved unmanageable: proliferating slums outpaced new construction; poverty rose. Even so, what got built through the 1970s in places like Havana and Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Lima included some of the most inspired architecture of the modern age.

The Bank of London and South America in Buenos Aires. Photo from Metropolis.
The National School of Plastic Arts in Havana. Photo from Metropolis
Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer's Plaza of the Three Powers in Brasilia
Plaza of the Three Powers in Brasilia. Photo from architectmagazine
Miguel Rodrigo Mazuré’s project for a hotel in Machu Picchu (1969). Photo from Metropolis
Rogelio Salmona. Torres del Parque Residencial Complex, Bogotá, Colombia, 1964-1970. Photograph: Leonardo Finotti © Leonardo Finotti. Click above to see larger image.
Torres del Parque Residencial Complex, Colombia. Photo from Metalocus.

The exhibition’s goal, said curator Barry Bergdoll, is to “reinsert Latin America into our history of modernism and modernization in architecture.”

The collection covers every aspect of Modernism – diagrid skycrapers, abstract landscapes, megastructures, cities of slabs and we can admire a broad range of works, including urban planning, innovations in housing (both individual and multi-unit), university design, and civic and public spaces. More than 500 original works are on display—many shown for the first time—and include drawings, models, archival films, and photographs.

Latin America in Construction
Model of Headquarters for the Banco de Londres y América del Sur, Buenos Aires (1966) by Clorinda Testa and SEPRA Arquitectos. Photo from Archidose.
Latin America in Construction
Model of Edificio Altolar, Caracas (1966) by Jimmy Alcock. Photo from Archidose.
Latin America in Construction
Project for the first city in Antarctica (1980-83) by Amancio Williams. Photo from Archidose

As one of the leading manufacturer and supplier in the production of metal products, Shanghai Metal Corporation provides first class products and services in building materials. Check out our main products such as container houses, fasteners, steel grating, roofing materials and steel building.  Feel free to contact us for any question, our English-speaking staff will be more than glad to help you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to get the latest update of our products and offers.

Sources : The New York Times, Archdaily, Architect Magazine, MoMA, Metalocus, Architectural Record


Ayu P.//SMC Editor

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank & Shanghai Metal Corporation – Common Goal & Vision

We are pleased to share the latest news about China’s contribution in assisting developing countries in their sustainable growth.

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank, proposed by the government of China, that has the mission to give assistance to financial needs to infrastructure projects in Asia region.

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Beijing
Photo from

The establishment of this bank is partly due to the huge infrastructure needs across the developing countries in Asia. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that Asia will need approximately 8$ trillion between 2010 and 2020 for energy, transportation, telecommunication and water/sanitation. Summing the investments from all existing institutions aren’t enough to reach that amount and the shortfall exceeds 700$ billion a year.

Photo from fastcompany

Other than its purpose as a funding institution, the AIIB is also a modern knowledge-based institution, focusing on the development of infrastructure and other productive sectors in Asia, such as energy & power, transportation & telecommunication, water supply & sanitation, etc.

Until the 2nd April 2015, almost all Asian countries and major countries outside Asia has joined the AIIB, except US, Japan, Canada and North Korea. Catherine Novelli, U.S. undersecretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment, said that the administration generally supports the AIIB’s stated goals but has concerns over regulation and environmental issues. Other worries that the bank will help China to rival the US as the world’s economic power and in establishing its values in the world’s vision.

China's President Xi Jinping (L) walks next to U.S. President Barack Obama (R) (Reuters/Jason Lee)Photo from rt

According to Raj M. Desai, associate professor from Georgetown University, the participation of the US in the AIIB could encourage the Chinese to implement a transparent regime that adopts the world’s best practice in financing infrastructure. The President of World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, welcome AIIB and believes that the activities of a new organization can greatly help the massive need of investment in infrastructure.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) shakes hands with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim during their meeting in Beijing, July 8, 2014. REUTERS/China Daily
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) shakes hands with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim during their meeting in Beijing, July 8, 2014.
Photo from reuters

As one of the world’s leading steel manufacturer, Shanghai Metal Corporation believes that sustainable growth improves the quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come.  That’s why we put great efforts to meet the demand for steel in an eco-friendly way. We support AIIB’s mission and values in supporting Asia’s infrastructure project in a “lean, clean and green” way. We have faith that AIIB can help to support the growth of the developing countries and give them assistance in their infrastructure development.

Sources: theguardian, cnbc, washingtonpost, aiibank, wikipedia
Featured Image: nytimes



Ayu P.//SMC Editor


Christmas “Gifties”!

It’s Christmas time! If you are wondering what to buy your loved ones as gifts, here are a few ideas. We offer all types of metal which are used to make your lovely pots, cutlery, trays and other ornamentals used in fine dining. So why not look to us to see what types of metal was used to make you these products! We have a wide range of metal products including stainless steel cutlery  which is an essential part of your kitchen. 

If you are looking to revamp your kitchen to give it a new look for the new year, we have stainless steel strip for kitchen benches and sink , we also have other metal products for your taps and other fittings in the house. For a different look, you may also want to have a look at our copper and brass fittings options.

Our wide range of metal products can also give your bathrooms a unique look.. Spoil yourself! Get your copper input material from us and have your extraordinary look well in time for the new year!

For those on a smaller budget and not looking for major changes like a home make over, why not get our copper sheets to make bracelets with initials of your loved ones on it!

SMC wishes you all Happy Holidays, and successful gift buying!

Contact us for an inquiry, scan the QR code below, or follow us on these social media platforms:



Lebo Seopane//SMC Editor

Credits: SMC website, Google images, Harts of Stur-Arthur Price Kings

How China Can Save Europe from Crisis

The dissolution of the Soviet Union is arguably one of the greatest geopolitical disasters of human history.  It resulted in the rise of ethnic nationalism and ethnic based conflicts across Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Many of the new countries had mixed Russian and local population and after centuries of repression under the Russian Empire, and later the Soviet Union, tensions were high. This is the basic history behind the current war in Ukraine.


Russia is backing the anti Ukrainian forces with both financial and military aide.  As a result many European Union members have levied sanctions against Russia which have the potential to hurt all parties involved. As the 6th largest exporter of steel there is a massive gap that will need to be filled and this is where China can not only make a vast amount of profit, but also improve relations with the EU.


The economic recovery in the EU is fragile at best and any major shock could end the recovery and cause a recession.  This is of particular concern in Europe where many nations are dependent on Russia for their raw materials and mineral resources.  As many EU members want to limit their dependence on Russia, China is presented with a great opportunity to become Europe’s new de facto supplier of raw building materials.


China and the EU are becoming more interdependent on each other and adding Chinese steel to the equation will only increase economic cooperation.  Furthermore, as Russian sanctions begin to take affect all over Europe the governments of these regions will most certainly be grateful to any nation that helps them avoid another economic crisis.


Shanghai Metal Corporation has been following the developments in Eastern Europe closely and with great concern.  We take the economic health of the EU and the world as a whole very seriously.  One of our main products is structural steel and it will be an honour to supply the EU if and when the need arises.


For our full list of products that we offer check out our website here. Be sure to join the conversation in our LinkedIn groupFacebookTwitter and Instagram. Try also our new mobile application by scanning the QR code below.

(Jordan S.//SMC)


Day of Victory on Red Square!


Last Of The Great Train Robbers Dies

ronniebiggs happy

British criminal Ronnie Biggs, best known for his part in the 1963 Great Train Robbery, has died at the age of 84.He was part of the gang that escaped with £2.6m from the Glasgow to London mail train on 8 August 1963. The haul the 15 men secured is the equivalent of £40m in today’s money – and was a record at that time.

EPSON scanner image

Ronnie Biggs was jailed in 1964 for the robbery, but gained notoriety by escaping, having plastic surgery then moving abroad. During his moves to Australia and Brasil, Biggs evaded a number of arrests, extradition and even kidnap attempts that thwarted other members of his crew. For example, Charles Wilson the treasurer of the gang was assassinated by a hit-man on a bicycle in 1990. Biggs later returned to the UK due to ill health, was then arrested and later released on compassionate grounds.

The key to the crime was stopping the train – this was done by hacking into the train signals. Since the crime, railway signaling has been upgraded to avoid such hacks, and relies on high tech equipment.


Shanghai Metal Corporation manufactures the corrosion resistant steel for railway equipment. As an ISO 14001 (International Quality Management System) Company and recipient of the “Star Enterprise Award,” Shanghai Metal Corporation prides itself on exceeding international standards of quality and reliability. We guarantee the best prices, quality support, and fast delivery. To find out more, please visit our Tumblr, WordPress,  LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook  and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code. Moreover, we sell directly from Alibaba , EC21 and Tradekey.

You can also read more articles by our team at SMC:


What Hollywood Finally Got Right About Science

How To Make A Statement At Business Networking Events

Foods That Grow In Surprising Ways

Women’s Gifts To The World

Woman Addicted To Eating Mattresses

A World Without Mirrors – What Would Change?

Man Of Steel: Why It Wasn’t Called ‘Superman’?

Top 4 Funniest Airplane Stories

The Aftermath Of The BP Oil Spill

Who To Blame (Or Thank) For Your Braces

3 Most Creative Statues

How To Do A Better Job Than Jack


Get Your Own DeLorean Time Machine

4 Strange Stockpiling Panics

Live Clean Or Die Hard

Top 3 Ammunition Alternatives

Top 10 Countries For Internet Speed

Drunk Man Found In Container Bound For The USA

Containers – The New Political Soapbox

Move Along Airplanes – Submarines Overtake Travel

Thor’s Hammer: The Science

Shipping Container City – Shanghai Immigrant’s Homes

Can You Do A 360 Degree Loop On A Swing Set?

Become Bullet Proof …Using Water

Counterfeit Money Cases

LEGO Lands On British Shores

Innovative Uses of Soap

Air Quality – What Can Be Done?

Team Building Exercises – A New Spin

How Much Petrol Costs Internationally

The Antarctican Training Programme – Could You Make It?

What Is The Mirror Paradox?

Do Oil Discoveries Cause Conflict?

Should We All Switch To Cycling?

Where Did ‘Loom Bands’ Come From?

Are You Apocalypse Ready?

Could You Abseil Down Big Ben?

Building Your Dream Kitchen

How A Tiny Anchor Can Hold A Whole Ship

Did You Know There Are 14 Kinds Of Spoon?

How To Make A Statement At Business Networking Events

How Do Telephones Actually Work?

Top 5 Funniest Airplane Stories

To Escalate Or Not To Escalate? That Is The Question

Revising The Facts – Car Fatalities Are Actually Falling

Like To Get A Souvenir From The USA – Why Not A 335 Metre Steel Bridge?

Are Locks As Easy To Pick As In The Movies?

Modernity In Cinema-Friend Or Foe?

How To Survive an Elevator Crash

Umbrellas – Can You Guess Where They Are From?

Pylons – The Under Appreciated Life Bringer

Imagine A Summer Without Air Conditioning

The Secret To The Perfect Shave – Stainless Steel Razors

Man Of Steel: Why It Wasn’t Called ‘Superman’ 

The Science Behind Saw – Could It Really Have Cut Through Bone?

What Hollywood Finally Got Right About Science

Modern Metal Revamps Ancient Weapons

Why You Should Thank Carbon Steel for Your Flavorsome Stir Fry

Good News for China’s Steel Sector

Quiz – How Much Of Your High School Chemistry Do You Remember?

How You Can Get Your Own Game Of Thrones Valyrian Style Blade

Tired Of Wasting Money On Expensive Morning Coffees? Why Not Invest In A Stainless Steel Coffee Maker

Is Stainless Steel Really Stainless?


Sources: How Stuff Works, BBC

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

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4 Strange Stockpiling Panics

Stockpiling panics can be triggered by the smallest of market shocks. Maybe a news report causes it, an unexpected price change, or word of mouth, but once the panic sets in chaos ensues. Each country has seen its own stockpiling panic, like raw materials, power, food and water. But the following countries have been a little more creative with their stockpiling choices.

Japan – Toilet paper


Japan’s bureaucrats don’t want the nation to be caught with its pants down the next time toilet paper supplies run short after a natural disaster.

That’s why the government is rolling out its latest public-awareness campaign, entitled “Let’s Stockpile Toilet Paper,” which involves an exhibition on the topic at the trade ministry, a summit of industry leaders and the sale of specially packaged “emergency use” toilet tissue.

USA – Sick Days

sickdayDue to loopholes in the employee benefit package, government employees of the USA are eligible for 2,164 sick days that they are eligible to draw from according to figures requested from the auditor’s office.

China – Cabbage


In Beijing especially, there are the piles of cabbage that accrue in communal courtyards, high-rise hallways and window ledges across the city. This has been common practice since the 1960’s industrialization to get people through harsh winters that may hinder food production.

Singapore – Sand

Singapore, the artificial beach of the Sentosa island

Some countries have strategic oil reserves; others stockpile rice or wheat. The island nation of Singapore has emergency reserves of imported sand. The government is now being forced to tap its sand hoard after its usual supplier, Indonesia, abruptly banned exports in February in a string of disputes between the two countries.


Currently, Raw material surcharges are spurring stockpiling of stainless steel and nickel across the globe. Finland’s Outokumpu OYJ (OUT1V), Germany’s ThyssenKrupp AG and Aperam SA (APAM) in Luxembourg all reporting boosts in deliveries.

smc logo

So, why not beat the stockpiling surge and invest in nickel and stainless steel today? Shanghai Metal Corporation manufactures an array of value-added Metal ProductsBuilding SystemsShipping Containers, and Machinery. We are committed to delivering quality to businesses as an integrated global manufacturer, exporter, and supplier with offices and subsidiaries located throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. To find out more, please visit our websiteLinkedInTwitter, Facebook and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

You can also read more articles by our team at SMC:

Live Clean Or Die Hard

Top 3 Ammunition Alternatives

Top 10 Countries For Internet Speed

Drunk Man Found In Container Bound For The USA

Containers – The New Political Soapbox

Move Along Airplanes – Submarines Overtake Travel

Thor’s Hammer: The Science

Shipping Container City – Shanghai Immigrant’s Homes

Can You Do A 360 Degree Loop On A Swing Set?

Become Bullet Proof …Using Water

Counterfeit Money Cases

LEGO Lands On British Shores

Innovative Uses of Soap

Air Quality – What Can Be Done?

Team Building Exercises – A New Spin

How Much Petrol Costs Internationally

The Antarctican Training Programme – Could You Make It?

What Is The Mirror Paradox?

Do Oil Discoveries Cause Conflict?

Should We All Switch To Cycling?

Where Did ‘Loom Bands’ Come From?

Are You Apocalypse Ready?

Could You Abseil Down Big Ben?

Building Your Dream Kitchen

How A Tiny Anchor Can Hold A Whole Ship

Did You Know There Are 14 Kinds Of Spoon?

How To Make A Statement At Business Networking Events

How Do Telephones Actually Work?

Top 5 Funniest Airplane Stories

To Escalate Or Not To Escalate? That Is The Question

Revising The Facts – Car Fatalities Are Actually Falling

Like To Get A Souvenir From The USA – Why Not A 335 Metre Steel Bridge?

Are Locks As Easy To Pick As In The Movies?

Modernity In Cinema-Friend Or Foe?

How To Survive an Elevator Crash

Umbrellas – Can You Guess Where They Are From?

Pylons – The Under Appreciated Life Bringer

Imagine A Summer Without Air Conditioning

The Secret To The Perfect Shave – Stainless Steel Razors

Man Of Steel: Why It Wasn’t Called ‘Superman’               

The Science Behind Saw – Could It Really Have Cut Through Bone?

What Hollywood Finally Got Right About Science

Modern Metal Revamps Ancient Weapons

Why You Should Thank Carbon Steel for Your Flavorsome Stir Fry

Good News for China’s Steel Sector

Quiz – How Much Of Your High School Chemistry Do You Remember?

How You Can Get Your Own Game Of Thrones Valyrian Style Blade

Tired Of Wasting Money On Expensive Morning Coffees? Why Not Invest In A Stainless Steel Coffee Maker

Is Stainless Steel Really Stainless?

Sources: BloombergNY Times

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

SMC QR code


Drunk Man Found In Container Bound For The USA

Cars, food, lego pieces – shipping containers have been known to carry all kinds of items. But a product unique to shipping was found this time last year: a drunken man.


Jiang Wu was supposed to be staying in a B&B in the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao. In his drunken stupor he’d somehow mistaken a shipping container at a dockyard for his room, wandered in and fell asleep.  The next morning he woke up and panicked. He found himself in a pitch black sealed shipping container, hung-over and trapped. His one saving grace was that he at least had his mobile phone. He called his friends, the police, anyone who could find. Unfortunately for him, it was not that easy:

“His problem was … that he couldn’t tell us which container he was in, and there were thousands of them stacked on top of each other,” Qingdao Police Spokesman.

Police arrived and asked Mr Wu to bang on the walls of his container. With only an hour to go until his container was due to sail, he was found 60 feet high.

 “He’s very lucky. If he’d been asleep for another hour the next stop would have been America,” said a dock worker.

He was fortunate. There are currently over 17 million shipping containers in the world, and five or six million of them are currently shipping around the world on vessels, trucks, and trains. In total, they make around 200 million trips a year.


Approximately 97% of all shipping containers are manufactured in China. For example, Shanghai Metal manufactures shipping containers. We are the leading manufacturer and supplier in China. From the acquisition of raw materials, packaging and exportation, SMC ensures only the best quality of products. By assigning professional experts at every stage of production, we ensure continuous support in our worldwide business. To find out more, please visit our websiteLinkedInTwitter, Facebook and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

You can also read more articles by our team at SMC:

Containers – The New Political Soapbox

Move Along Airplanes – Submarines Overtake Travel

Thor’s Hammer: The Science

Shipping Container City – Shanghai Immigrant’s Homes

Can You Do A 360 Degree Loop On A Swing Set?

Become Bullet Proof …Using Water

Counterfeit Money Cases

LEGO Lands On British Shores

Innovative Uses of Soap

Air Quality – What Can Be Done?

Team Building Exercises – A New Spin

How Much Petrol Costs Internationally

The Antarctican Training Programme – Could You Make It?

What Is The Mirror Paradox?

Do Oil Discoveries Cause Conflict?

Should We All Switch To Cycling?

Where Did ‘Loom Bands’ Come From?

Are You Apocalypse Ready?

Could You Abseil Down Big Ben?

Building Your Dream Kitchen

How A Tiny Anchor Can Hold A Whole Ship

Did You Know There Are 14 Kinds Of Spoon?

How To Make A Statement At Business Networking Events

How Do Telephones Actually Work?

Top 5 Funniest Airplane Stories

To Escalate Or Not To Escalate? That Is The Question

Revising The Facts – Car Fatalities Are Actually Falling

Like To Get A Souvenir From The USA – Why Not A 335 Metre Steel Bridge?

Are Locks As Easy To Pick As In The Movies?

Modernity In Cinema-Friend Or Foe?

How To Survive an Elevator Crash

Umbrellas – Can You Guess Where They Are From?

Pylons – The Under Appreciated Life Bringer

Imagine A Summer Without Air Conditioning

The Secret To The Perfect Shave – Stainless Steel Razors

Man Of Steel: Why It Wasn’t Called ‘Superman’               

The Science Behind Saw – Could It Really Have Cut Through Bone?

What Hollywood Finally Got Right About Science

Modern Metal Revamps Ancient Weapons

Why You Should Thank Carbon Steel for Your Flavorsome Stir Fry

Good News for China’s Steel Sector

Quiz – How Much Of Your High School Chemistry Do You Remember?

How You Can Get Your Own Game Of Thrones Valyrian Style Blade

Tired Of Wasting Money On Expensive Morning Coffees? Why Not Invest In A Stainless Steel Coffee Maker

Is Stainless Steel Really Stainless?

Sources: Death and Taxes, TNT Downunder

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

SMC QR code


Containers – The New Political Soapbox

The traditional soapbox has been proved outmoded this month – the must-have accessory for the modern politician in Pakistan seems to be the shipping container.

imrankhansspeechAccording to the BBC, even Imran Khan is said to have spent more than $120,000 (£70,000) on one. “These shipping containers that you have placed on all four sides are not enough to stop this ocean of people!” declared cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan at a rally on Tuesday night. He was addressing Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Originally, the Pakistani government strategically placed a number of shipping containers near political institutions, ready to be placed as a blockade for potential protesters. But party workers have discovered that containers make excellent stages for rallies, and they are now an indispensable item for any big political event.


To the endless interest of Pakistan’s media, they can also be converted into mobile homes. In January last year, ul-Qadri held a four-day sit-in in Islamabad. While his supporters were out on the street, he slept inside his customised container, fitted with heating and a bathroom.


It was later reported that Khan’s party had had a container converted at a cost of some 12.5m Pakistani rupees ($124,000; £75,000). It is equipped with meeting facilities, a bathroom, and a nifty spiral staircase leading to the roof – and is supposedly bomb-proof. See our previous articles regarding container homes and their increased popularity in the USA and Europe.


Shanghai Metal manufactures shipping containers. We are the leading manufacturer and supplier in China. From the acquisition of raw materials, packaging and exportation, SMC ensures only the best quality of products. By assigning professional experts at every stage of production, we ensure continuous support in our worldwide business. To find out more, please visit our websiteLinkedInTwitter, Facebook and Instagram. Or you could try our new mobile app by scanning our QR code.

You can also read more articles by our team at SMC:

Move Along Airplanes – Submarines Overtake Travel

Thor’s Hammer: The Science

Shipping Container City – Shanghai Immigrant’s Homes

Can You Do A 360 Degree Loop On A Swing Set?

Become Bullet Proof …Using Water

Counterfeit Money Cases

LEGO Lands On British Shores

Innovative Uses of Soap

Air Quality – What Can Be Done?

Team Building Exercises – A New Spin

How Much Petrol Costs Internationally

The Antarctican Training Programme – Could You Make It?

What Is The Mirror Paradox?

Do Oil Discoveries Cause Conflict?

Should We All Switch To Cycling?

Where Did ‘Loom Bands’ Come From?

Are You Apocalypse Ready?

Could You Abseil Down Big Ben?

Building Your Dream Kitchen

How A Tiny Anchor Can Hold A Whole Ship

Did You Know There Are 14 Kinds Of Spoon?

How To Make A Statement At Business Networking Events

How Do Telephones Actually Work?

Top 5 Funniest Airplane Stories

To Escalate Or Not To Escalate? That Is The Question

Revising The Facts – Car Fatalities Are Actually Falling

Like To Get A Souvenir From The USA – Why Not A 335 Metre Steel Bridge?

Are Locks As Easy To Pick As In The Movies?

Modernity In Cinema-Friend Or Foe?

How To Survive an Elevator Crash

Umbrellas – Can You Guess Where They Are From?

Pylons – The Under Appreciated Life Bringer

Imagine A Summer Without Air Conditioning

The Secret To The Perfect Shave – Stainless Steel Razors

Man Of Steel: Why It Wasn’t Called ‘Superman’              

The Science Behind Saw – Could It Really Have Cut Through Bone?

What Hollywood Finally Got Right About Science

Modern Metal Revamps Ancient Weapons

Why You Should Thank Carbon Steel for Your Flavorsome Stir Fry

Good News for China’s Steel Sector

Quiz – How Much Of Your High School Chemistry Do You Remember?

How You Can Get Your Own Game Of Thrones Valyrian Style Blade

Tired Of Wasting Money On Expensive Morning Coffees? Why Not Invest In A Stainless Steel Coffee Maker

Is Stainless Steel Really Stainless?

Source: BBC

Siobhan R.// SMC Editor

SMC QR code


The World’s Biggest Mobile Fridge Sailed in Paris

The Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame, Versailles, Moulin Rouge, those are the places to visit in Paris. In 2009, the city of love also became famous of a creative marketing campaign.

The Korean electronics company LG set up a creative marketing campaign for their ecological fridge. The company, one of South Korea’s largest chaebols, turned a 70 meter container ship into the world’s biggest fridge that sailed up the Seine from Le Havre to Paris between June 22 and June 25. The vessel transported cooking ingredients that the famous 3-star Michelin chef Alain Passard cooked for visiting journalists.

LG’s ecological fridge uses a patented “Linear Compressor” technology that is to lower energy consumption up to 20 percent compared to other conventional fridges. The new fridge technology has also received an A+ rating from the EU.

Refrigerated containers, or reefer containers, are mainly used for shipping temperature sensitive products even with extremely long distances. Reefer container technology enabled for instance the shipping of Camel Milk from the United Arab Emirates to Europe. Please, read the whole story here.

LG converts container ship into a huge advertisement for eco-friendly fridge

As businesses are getting more aware of the benefits of refrigerated containers, new uses for them are emerging. Reefer containers are basically tools that combine mobility and cold chain. One can set up a temperature sensitive business and still vary its location. For example, Atlanta’s Botanical Garden used a refrigerated container to set up a mobile bio-secure research laboratory for their research  on frogs in 2011. Reefer containers are also convenient in, say, open-air events where organizers need to keep their heavy loads of Red Bulls and Coca-Colas chilled all the time.

Like LG, Shanghai Metal Corporation‘s reefer containers also use environmentally friendly and energy efficient technology that generate a really low CO2 footprint. We also apply high standards in their quality assurance. To learn more about our refrigerated containers, please visit our website. Please also follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Tuomas P. // SMC Editor

Pictures and original stories: Container Technology Inc.,,,,,